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Terms & Conditions

Access & Use

By using UKSocialClub.co.uk (“this website”, “the website”, “the site”) you agree to be bound by the following conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these conditions you may not access or use this site. We reserve the right to change or alter our conditions at any time without prior notification to any other parties. We ask that you recognise you will be bound by the most current conditions set out in this section of the website and advise that you familiarise yourself with this content on a regular basis.

Intellectual Property Rights

UK Social Club Limited owns all the intellectual property rights of the content in all the pages of this website including, but not restricted to design, text, layout, arrangement, templates, graphics and associated software. These rights also extend to the database used to produce the site’s ‘Find Results’, which has been constructed by and belongs to UK Social Club Limited. We actively protect our rights and take appropriate measure to ensure they are neither breached nor used without due authority.


UkSocialClub.co.uk, uksocialclub.co.uk and UKSC are service marks of UK Social Club Limited. These cannot be reproduced or used without prior permission. Any other logos or trademarks exhibited on the site remain the property of the respective organisations or individuals.

Restrictions of Use

This website is designed to aid users to find services or activities relevant to specific needs. As such we recognise that to a limited degree contact details may be copied to help fulfil this task. However outside such use we are obliged to apply specific restrictions and prohibitions to the use of this website and the data therein.

Prohibitions regarding use of the website are as below:

i. Data from our database may not be merged with other data or altered in any way;

ii. Data from our database may not be stolen or traded;

iii. Data from our database may not be used to compile other databases or directories except in the way detailed above;

iv. Data from our database may not be used in marketing or research campaigns of any kind including, but not restricted to telemarketing, electronic marketing or direct mailing;

v. Data from our database may not be used in a way that could bring UK Social Club Limited or any of our service marks or logos into disrepute or result in any embarrassment to ourselves;

vi. Data from our database may not be used to communicate any message which is deemed offensive, indecent, threatening, intimidating, obscene or improper;

vii. Data from our database may not be used to communicate any message which may cause irritation, annoyance, inconvenience or is unsolicited by the recipient as in the way of Spurious Advertising Mail or SPAM.


Using this website is done so at your own risk. While best efforts are made to ensure all data is current and accurate no warranties or guarantees are either made or implied. Similarly we make no warranties or guarantees that our service will be without interruption or error; that our servers are completely virus free or secure; that our advice guarantees quality of service, event or occasion.


UK Social Club Limited is not an agent for or representative for any individuals, companies or other organisations whose products or services may be advertised or listed on this website.

While we do take steps to ensure companies listed on this website provide a high level of service, that their services or products are relevant to the category they are listed in and that where required all companies and individuals hold correct documentation and certification relevant to their business practices, this commitment is not to be taken as providing either guarantee or warranty. We advise all users to independently verify and confirm the exact type and nature of products or services or qualifications held by any individuals, companies or other organisations whose products or services may be advertised or listed on UKSocialClub.co.uk.

Some listings may include information provided by third parties. We advise that all our users qualify such details i.e. the membership of a professional body, for themselves.


UK Social Club Limited, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, sponsors, advertisers or any other party involved in the creation, design, production, maintenance or distribution of this website will not under any circumstances be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages including, but not limited to loss of profits, business, anticipated savings, goodwill, use of data or other intangible losses that result from either:
· i. the use and reliance on UKSocialClub.co.uk; or
· ii. the inability to use UKSocialClub.co.uk; or
· iii. mistakes, omissions, interruptions, suspension, termination, deletion of files or e-mail, errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation, transmission or service response time, or any failure of performance with respect to uksocialclub.co.uk including without limitation those arising from acts of God, war, terrorism, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorised access to UKSocialClub.co.uk’s records, programs or services; or
· iv. merchandise, products or services received through or advertised on UKSocialClub.co.uk and merchandise, products or services received through or advertised on any links provided on uksocialclub.co.uk; or
· v. information or advice received through or advertised on uksocialclub.co.uk and information or advice received through or advertised on any links provided on UKSocialClub.co.uk; or
· vi. any information, data, text, messages and other materials that you email, post upload, reproduce, transmit or is otherwise distributed using UKSocialClub.co.uk.
UKSocialClub.co.uk is unable to guarantee the security of any information transmitted over the Internet. Any data which you transmit to UKSocialClub.co.uk is done at your own risk and Yell shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or injury that may result from transmitting such information.

If any jurisdiction does not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Lottery & Prize Draws

You agree by entering into any prize draw or Lottery we advertise that UK Social Club Ltd have the final say on whether your entry is valid. You also agree that we have the right to refuse entry without giving a reason.
Entry into the prize draws is FREE, however, you must Like UKSocial Club on Facebook and Share the current game on your wall/timeline. Proof will be required at prize division time.
The first 10% of any winnings will go to UK Social Club Ltd. This is to cover any administration or other fees that have or will arise as a result of running the promotion or event.
ONLY prizes that work out, once divided amongst the chosen winners/entrants, to be for £10.00 per person (or More - Hopefully it will be MUCH more!) will be paid. Anything less will held by UK Social Club Ltd until the next game is played and added to the winning pot (minus the 10% administration for UK Social Club Ltd).
Valid Prize winners will be notified by UK Social Club Ltd via Facebook. If you are not a Friend of UKSocial Club on Facebook we cannot notify you and you are deemed a non valid entry.
Lottery ticket winners must have Liked UKSocial Club on Facebook and shared the current game on their wall/timeline. If these rules are not strictly adhered to the entry becomes non-valid.
Prizes will be divided up amongst entrants or winners, depending on the rules set out, once full monies have cleared.

Validity of Conditions

Should any condition or provision included in this text be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction as illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that condition or provision will be removed. The remaining conditions will remain in full force and effect.


UK Social Club Limited is registered as a Limited Trading Company and operates this website within the UK. This site can however be accessed and used from overseas destinations. As such we advise users to be aware that when accessing the site regardless of their locality, UK law applies to the use of this site. International users also understand that accessing the site binds them to the terms and conditions that also apply to UK based users.

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